Family guy star wars trilogy episodes
Family guy star wars trilogy episodes

family guy star wars trilogy episodes

When 'Luke' enters Leia's prison cell, she comments "Aren't you a little fat for a Stormtrooper?" The original line was "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?".The music playing in the elevator on the Death Star is 'The Imperial March', the ominous background music associated with Vader and the Emperor, but it is played in a jazzy style as traditional elevator music.He also states than Han might be messing with Obi-Wan and Luke at this point, attempting to confuse them.


This allows it to make light speed jumps through the Kessel run, a series of stars, planets and black holes that make astro-navigation difficult, in less distance than most ships.

family guy star wars trilogy episodes

George Lucas' explanation of the original line is that the Falcon has a far more accurate computer than most ships. As a dig at the physics consultant for Episode IV, 'Luke' points out in the Mos Eisley cantina that Solo's statement regarding the speed of the Falcon is erroneous the parsec is a measure of distance, not time.This is a blue liquid Luke and his family are seen drinking in the original film. Luke/Chris's Aunt Beru encourages Luke to come 'have some blue milk'.When Luke/Chris, Han/Peter and Chewy/Brian go to the wrong floor, the two people getting married are Alan and Judith, two major characters from Two and a Half Men.The hyperspace scene parodies Doctor Who and Tom Baker, the Fourth Doctor from the show.Bender's presence in the Mos Eisley cantina is in violation of their "no droids" policy.R2 leans out a port on the side of the Falcon and fires a pistol sideways at the TIE as if part of a gang-related drive-by shooting, continuing the series of borderline racist statements/actions made throughout the episode.His battle cry in Thai translates to "Die, all of you! I'll kill your father with my laser gun!" When Luke asks why the Tie Fighters are called Tie Fighters, one of the pilots starts yelling in Thai, homophonous to "Tie". TIE actually stands for Twin Ion Engine, a fact never revealed in the movies but explained in the Expanded Universe of Star Wars. The Imperial Pilots in the TIE fighters are wearing the colors of Thailand, hence, 'Thai Fighter'.Darth Vader/Stewie's final blow against Obi-wan is an elaborate pirouette/spin more reminiscent of Yoda's style from Episodes II and III, rather than the initial clumsy bladefighting that appears in Episode IV.Meg's only appearance in this episode is as the garbage-masher tentacle monster.The Imperial officer who greets Han, Luke, and Chewie in the prison area is Fouad, the character from a previous episode who taught Peter the 'humor' of sarcasm.

family guy star wars trilogy episodes

Also in this scene is Coach McGuirk from Home Movies, Evil Monkey, and Bender from Futurama.

  • When Luke and Obi Wan are walking into the Cantina, Roger from American Dad! can be seen talking with others in the foreground.
  • When Han Solo/Peter puts on headphones and turns on a record player, the song "It Might Be You" by Stephen Bishop plays.
  • One of the insects that flies into the bug-zapper is Watto, making him the only character exclusive to the prequel trilogy to appear in Laugh It Up Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy.
  • A joke is made in which lightsabers are used by the locals on Tatooine as bug-zappers.
  • When disembarking from the Jawa sandcrawler, C-3PO thanks a dot matrix printer "for the sex." "Dot Matrix" was the name of the robot character in Spaceballs, who was a parody of C-3P0.
  • Since the Jawas were collectors of antique or out-dated robots, it turns out they also had acquired an "early 90's printer", which is an old-fashioned dot matrix printer.
  • This episode only has a single cutaway gag.
  • A dig against the Bush administration, the Empire's Star Destroyer in the opening scene has a Bush/Cheney '04 Campaign bumper sticker.
  • Stewie appeared as a Spokesperson for, speaking as Darth Vader and asking users what they would blow up with the Death Star, while promoting the Lucas-MacFarlane project Blue Harvest.
  • Blue Harvest was a cover name used during the making of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
  • This episode marks the 30th anniversary of the original Stars Wars film, Episode IV: A New Hope.

  • Family guy star wars trilogy episodes